Repeat Prescriptions
Please note:
- The practice requires 72hrs notice to process all prescriptions requests (except in an emergency)
- Patients will need to speak to a doctor if they wish to add a medication to their repeat prescription
Patients and Care Homes can order prescriptions in 5 ways:
- Repeat request form - using the slip attached to your previous prescription - please post / deliver to the surgery
- Internet - using NHS Wales App, click on the link to set up Login screen (
- Letter - please post / deliver to the surgery. The letter must clearly state the patients name, address, date of birth, and required medication with a contact number in case of queries. Please remember to include a stamped addressed envelope if you wish the surgery to post the prescription back to you
- Pharmacy - pharmacies can order repeat prescriptions for patients, please contact your local pharmacy if you require this service
- Repeat prescriptions can be ordered using our surgery email address: